Style Advice – Clothes guides
The complete guide to jeans

Jeans might be great multitaskers, but even they aren’t miracle workers. Don’t expect to buy one pair that will cover every occasion, from glitzy dinner to lazy Sunday morning. Work out which wardrobe job you want your jeans to do and buy accordingly – no single pair will do it all!
Firstly, keep your jeans current and sharp looking! They might have been in fashion for decades, but that doesn’t mean you can buy one pair and wear them for ever and ever. Jeans (like most clothes) do have a sell by date! Nothing will date your look faster than an outmoded style of jeans.
How to find the perfect pair of jeans
When buying jeans, you are not only selecting a specific cut with which you feel comfortable, you are choosing a “style” with which you should identify.
Make this decision with knowledge of the styling options and an understanding of the best fit for your body type.
In addition to this you need to think of the right colour.
The darker the colour, the more slimming the jeans are. Go for greys, blacks and dark blue (indigo) if you want to create the illusion of thin legs and hips.
The major choices available at any one time will vary with the current fashion trends and the market a particular manufacturer caters to (teens, juniors, active, urban, etc…). Jeans come in a variety of different:

This refers to how tight, how close to the skin the pants should be worn.
This refers to the actual shape of the pants (leg, waist and pocket types).
Washes and Finishes
Usually with the purpose of achieving a soft, worn in look.
Fabric options
Different weaves, weights and compositions.
This can be anything; embroidery, rips, studs, etc.
The complete guide to jeans
Jeans are great multitaskers, but even they aren’t miracle workers. This complete guide to Jeans will give you all the know how to choose the perfect pair.

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